What to Do
Where to Eat
Where to Sleep

from Kamouraska

Live a unique experience and enjoy absolutely breathtaking panoramas in one of the most welcoming places to visit!

To Discover…

Winter activities

The landscape reinvents itself every day with snowfalls, gales and sometimes storms! Contemplative or active, outdoor enthusiasts will find a life-size playground or indulge in a myriad of snow activities.

Les Cabines St-O

Les créations de Nathalie et Cie

Le Canton des roches, mosaic workshop-gallery

Karine Verpillot, multidisciplinary artist

La maison rouge

Lynn Doiron and Yves Ayotte, painters

Eco-Friendly Tourism

Eco-friendly tourists do not travel differently than others, just better. They support economic development by buying from local producers and they are mindful of preserving the cultural and natural resources of the places they visit.

Download our Tourist Guide

Are you planning a visit to Kamouraska? Take a look at or download our tourist guide! Pick up a copy from any one of our three tourist information centres.

Image couverture du guide touristique du Kamouraska, petit phare Saint-André et aurore boréale 2024-2025

Guides and Maps

Find the tourist guide and other publications at our tourist information centres and website.

Quoi faire ?
Où manger ?
Où dormir ?
What to Do
Where to Eat
Where to Sleep